You are an aspiring alchemist who got into debt with some shady people, called The Organization, so they could open their own shop.

Discover new elements and inventions that help you fulfill the organizations more and more harsh demands for repayment.

You start off by being given some base elements as a loan by The Organization, and these elements can be combined to unlock new ones. The elements can be used in research puzzles that unlocks tools and equipment that helps with getting more elements.

The Organization demands frequent repayments in the form of more advanced elements, new research or many base elements. If these demands aren't met on time it's game over for both the alchemist and the run. With energy being consumed for most actions and also over time, only a certain number of actions are available each day, making prioritizing your actions as well as your element usage critical for success.

 Game design document - Alembic - Google Dokument

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